Commonly considered to be the worst shotgun in the game. This guide is made for both experienced ODDS and people just getting into the difficulty itself.Home Games News Cosplay. Section Four: Weapons that I would recommend. Section Two: The skills you should bring. Section One: Understanding the game mode. This item has been added to your Favorites. This is for the players who want to go for that One Down Mask. In this guide, I go over a multitude of weapons, deployables, strategies, difficult maps and more. This guide is for the players who are just getting into the One Down Death Sentence Difficulty and want a guide to help them learn. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. PAYDAY 2 - Predator Shotgun Build (DS Viable) If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact Steam Support. All times are GMT The time now is PM.Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. So if anyone is interested, feel free to hit me up. He made a Crime Spree build which is supposed to sort of be an all-in-one sort of build that you can use throughout whatever heist options you get thrown at you. Although I don't really play this game as much anymore, I wanted to update this thread with a couple new builds that I run. Can pretty much solo any stealth mission. I run the burglar perk deck, a bullshit pistol, the judge silencedand throwing cards. I usually end up with a ton of extra points because you rarely need that many for stealth missions. Best DODGE build 2020 - Death Sentence OD (Payday 2)

Usually always max out shinobi and anything drill related, then the other stuff falls in place.

Love all the bonus damage from the silencers, the regen from headshots, and barely ever even go down. Love the loud buildbut i feel like your stealth build is inefficient Extreme Potatoes Mastermind Stable shot no lessened recoil needed Enforcer Die hard no dmg Resilience aced no flashbangs Transporter aced debatable but since you wear two piece it barely doesnt anything Technician Steady Grip very inefficient accuracy only 8 points Ghost Specialised killing aced You dont need damage on stealth missions 9 points!įugitive Gun nut extra ammo is not needed Total Thats 20 points that could be spend elsewhere.