But the gear is only part of the equation when it comes to recording and shame that software mixing The next part is finding a soundproof room that you can produce it in. Musicians can now produce their own music.

Pub Date: 2010 09 Pages: 352 in Publisher: Cengage Learning With the advances in digital technology. READ Home Recording Studio: Build It Like the Pros FREE TODAY Everything is covered, from room design to electrical considerations, from room treatments to codes, permits, special needs, and more.Home Recording Studio: Build It Like the Pros Each step features visual aids to illustrate underlying concepts, as well as professional tips and examples from actual studios. This book teaches you how to design and understand your room - how to treat it, wire it, and condition it - while using widely available materials. So how do you go about creating a space in your home that has similar acoustics to that of a world-class studio? How do you soundproof this room to keep your sound in and outside noise out? How do you construct or modify the room so that its size and shape best complement its function? HOME RECORDING STUDIO: BUILD IT LIKE THE PROS, SECOND EDITION teaches you how to do all these things, from building a professional home studio to saving thousands of dollars in the process.

Without a decent room, you'll never be able to record a studio-quality recording you'll be proud of and excited to have other people hear. Unfortunately, any old room in your house will not suffice for a quality recording. The next part is finding a soundproof room that you can produce it in. But the gear is only part of the equation when it comes to recording and mixing. With the advances in digital technology, musicians can now produce their own music.